You can connect your EnquiryBot to your Pabau CRM in just a few clicks.
Once connected you will be able to send all or just some types of enquiries directly to Pabau, saving you and your team hours of admin per month.
To use this feature, you’ll need to be on either the Enquirybot grow or pro plan and you’ll need ‘Advanced Marketing’ in Pabau.
Along with the enquiries generated with Enquirybot, you can also send "Extra Information Fields" that you have set up in Enquirybot.
Step 1: Go to your pipeline
Step 2: Select the pipeline from where you want to send the lead to Pabau
Step 3: Click on “Automate” from the top right
Step 4: Click on the “Add Automation” on the pipeline stage where you’d like to set up the integration
(For example: if you’d like to send the enquires to Pabau when it reaches the “Contacting” stage in Enquirybot, you will select “Add Automation” on the Contacting stage, If you want to send the enquiry as soon as it comes into the bot, you need to use the “New Enquires stage”.)
Step 5: Select “Send lead to Pabau” Automation from our drop-down option
Step 6: Give your automation a name so you know what it is about (For Example “Patients Lead To Pabau”)
Step 7: Now you need to go to “Pabau” to copy the URL
Step 8: Paste the URL in the “Pabau Domain Field”
Step 9: To find your API Key you will need to follow a few steps in Pabau
Now you need to copy the API key which has “Read & Write” access for both “Contacts” and “Leads”
Step 10: Once you have selected the right API key which has “Read & Write” access allowed, paste it below
Step 11: Now the only thing left for you is to start mapping the fields from Enquirybot to your Pabau fields
Select the Enquirybot field (This includes both the fields generated by the bot from your website and the "Extra Info Fields" that you have created in the Enquirybot system) from the Drop-Down and paste the relevant custom field ID from pabau.
You can also send the public URL which is the public link of the chat conversation that your patient had with the bot to pabau. Simply create a new custom field and just map it like below
If you don’t have any existing fields in Pabau to map Enquirybot fields, you can create a new field and map it in.
Here is how you can create a new Field in Pabau:
Even though we send lead_source you still need to add “EnquiryBot” as a marketing source, here is how you can add it in:
You may also want to create a custom field in Pabau for the ‘true’ marketing source which is what we call the “entry point” in Enquirybot to your website. Mapping this information will help you to track the success of your digital marketing campaigns. See the screenshot below for an example of how to map these fields.
Step 12: Don’t forget to add your Location ID which you can find by following this route: Setup>Business>Update Location
You can find the location ID at the end of the URL, In the below Example the location ID is “7359”
Now, just type location_id in a new field like below:
Step 13: Once you have mapped the fields correctly, just hit “Save”
Congratulations you have set up integrations to send Enquirybot enquiries to Pabau as a "Lead" Successfully.
Suggested fields that can be mapped as custom fields to Pabau (optional):
Website Entry point
Enquirybot conversation link
Treatment interest
Skin Type
Date of Birth / Are you over 18?
Preferred call-back time / Best time to call
Preferred treatment date/time
Special events upcoming?
Preferred practitioner
Have you had any previous aesthetic treatments?
How did you hear about us?