There are 2 ways to connect your EnquiryBot to a pipeline. The first way is mentioned above, when setting up a pipeline.
The second way can be found once a pipeline has been created and can be found in the pipeline settings on the top right.
Step 1. Click the settings icon on the top right
Step 2. Click on Bot Connections
Step 3. Click on connect
Step 4. Select the Enquirybot that you want to connect and the relevant enquiry types or sub enquiry types of the enquiries you automatically want to send into this pipeline.
Please note: you can only send specific enquiry types to one pipeline at a time. For example, "Teeth Whitening" enquiries cannot be sent to the teeth whitening pipeline and also to the "Teeth Straightening" pipeline.
Step 5. That's it, your EnquiryBot is now connected. In this example and new teeth, whitening enquiries will come into this first stage of this pipeline by default.